Finding the Strong You

Being in the “tween” years can be kind of hard for girls.  You are forming your identity – the YOU that you will be as a young lady.  However, many will not notice and others will not validate the new YOU.  The journey from a little girl to a teenager is filled with many twists and turns, new experiences, and jolts to your confidence.  Lynn Cowell has written a handbook for this journey called Brave Beauty.  On Ms. Cowell’s web page, she lists four ways that this handbook will enhance your journey.  The first is that you will gain confidence by really looking at who YOU are and what your special qualities are, how to use those qualities, and then accept that those qualities make up that special YOU.  Second, listening to what God says about YOU, what He plans for YOU and how He plans to use YOU.  Her third way is to really dig through all the changes that you are going through physically, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually.  Lastly, you will learn how the words that God uses can make YOU become brave and beautiful!

I loved reading this book as I have a granddaughter who is the “tween” years. I remember how hard it was to “become” a teenager.  I was awkward – tall, freckles, red frizzy hair, and kind of loud – so making friends and especially talking to boys was hard.  I wish there had been a book like this when I was younger. The chapters are short but poignant.  After the reading, there is sometimes a section called “Getting to Know You” and another called “Becoming Brave” followed by the prayer called “Courageous Call.”  I would encourage any mother or grandmother to purchase this book for their “tween” girls this Christmas!!!!  Pray over the book as I am going to do and then let God do His work on your Brave Beauty!!!!!

I received this book free for review from Handlebar Marketing.

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