Prose and Song about Ruth

WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group is proud to announce the release of Liz Curtis Higgs’ new book Girls Still Got It. Higgs is the author of Bad Girls of the Bible where she use wit and humor to talk about women that she calls bad for the moment, bad for a lifetime, etc. In her new book, she has written about a good girl of the Bible – Ruth. I have not read the book but WaterBrook graciously offered a video from Higgs and the first chapter. Please enjoy!

Artemis on Ice

I was honored with the task to review book 7 of the Artemis Fowl series and a preview of book 8 – The Atlantis Complex and The Last Guardian for Book 7 finds Artemis with a change in his personality, both good and bad. He now wants to help the fairy community and save the world, but he has contracted Atlantis Complex which leaves him highly paranoid of those around him and the number four which he equates with death. Artemis has called a meeting in Iceland with key fairy people, including Captain Holly Short and Foaly, to discuss an invention of his that will help with the global warming.

The Atantis Complex is full of intrigue, danger, and excitement. Artemis’ genius is stretched to the limit with solving the latest caper while he is suffering with paranoia, another personality that emerges, and the fear of the number four. He had sent his faithful bodyguard Butler on what he thought would be a goose chase but turned out to be part of the overall caper and danger. By the end of the book, of course all is well with Artemis but his old nemesis Opal Koboi is re-emerging to wreak havoc on both the human and fairy worlds which leads to the final book.

The Last Guardian introduces another facet of the fairy world. A very dangerous facet. Opal Koboi is set to unleash this danger upon the human and fairy world. Will Artemis save both? Will Opal succeed? Readers will have to purchase the book to answer those questions.

I reviewed this book free for review from

Matching Hearts

Anyone who knows me knows that I love Beth Moore books and studies.  My goal is to read all of her books and complete all of her studies.  Her material is so easy to understand and applicable to life.  She has not disappointed me with A Heart Like His, the story of David.  I had completed her study on David entitled Anointed, Transformed, Redeemed and came away with a better understanding of the life of David.  However, A Heart Like His helped me to relate the events and lessons from David’s life to my own life.  David was a shepherd, the youngest son of Jesse, and the anointed king but before all of that he was a man – a man with fleshly desires, a man with free will, a fallen man.  David is the man next door to you.  David is the mayor of your town.  David is you.

The one thing that sets David apart from many is that he was humble and chose to align his heart with God in such a manner that even in the dire condition of his sin David cried out to God with repentance and love.  David loved and served in a manner that showed how his heart aligned with God’s. David also understood that he was unable to stand alone in life but must always stand with God.  Therefore God was not just his trump card in hard times – he was his Personal Advisor in daily decisions.  I try to live like David, but I tend to try to “do it myself.”  Most of the time all that gets me is lost, crying, and eventually facedown before my God.

I received this ebook free for review from

Living Proof Ministries

You and Me Akin This World

Mark Schrader, captain of OceanWatch, and a team of scientists, a writer, teachers, sailors, and conservationists circumnavigated the Americas between 2009 and 2010 beginning in the northwest.  The purpose of their journey was to educate children, youth, and adults about the similarities of our living space and how our actions affect that space.  The team sailed around North and South America in the 64-foot vessel making stops for educational forums for school children.  In addition, Herb McCormick live-blogged the adventure and wrote One Island, One Ocean as a permanent memorial and academic medium.  The journey took thirteen months to complete beginning May 2009 and was timed to navigate through the Northwest Passage during the northern hemisphere’s spring/summer when the ice would be less of a danger and around the tip of Cape Horn during the southern hemisphere’s spring/summer when the winds and ice were less of a danger.

The message that the team wanted to broadcast is that the way we use and utilize our community and continent affects more than just one area.  It impacts those who live thousands of miles away because we share one ocean.  It impacts human, plant, and animal life.  Our actions are depleting the ice which impacts the continent in rippling effect.  Each action ripples and affects another aspect of the environment.  The photographer, David Thoreson, compiled a breathtaking array of photographs from the journey.  This book is a must-have for anyone’s library!

I received this book free for review in ebook format from

Photographer’s Blog

Author’s Web Site

Questions and Lessons on Faith

In my lifeftime, I have had questions about faith, God, His will for my life, and the big one – why does God allow suffering in the world.  It is hard to reconcile the loving God with the violence, starvation, hatred, and desperation found around the world.  I, as well as many others, question how can God allow this to happen and yet expect me to only believe in His love and blessing.  Andrea Palpant Dilley, author of Faith and Other Flat Tires: AMemoir Searching for God on the Rough Road of Doubt, travelled this path as well.  Dilley had been born into a missionary family who served as Quaker medical missionaries in East Africa during the first six years of her life.  By age twenty-one, Dilley was facing that road of doubt over the dysfunctionality of the church, the perceived silence of God, and the age-old question of suffering.


This story is her story.  Her story of doubt, questions, searching, and her journey of being a Christian refugee.  Her journey is similar to many others including myself.  She pushed the limits of what she had held sacred, she clung to the fleeting security of men, and she questioned everyone about their faith.  This story is also about her journey back to the security of God and the outpouring of His blessings.  I found her book to be truthful and upfront about the struggles of many to reconcile the church, God, and the world – especially the younger generation.  Her chapters are not too long and keep the reader interested in the next marker on her journey – whether that marker be an obstacle or an insight.

If you are facing that rough road of doubt, or know someone who is, then this book is for you.  I received this book free for review from Handlebar Marketing and I would like to offer it free to a reader of my blog.  Please leave a comment on my blog and I will choose a winner using

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